Sourcing Agents
Win More Business!
If you tell your Clients that your Suppliers offer Credit Terms to qualified Buyers, those Clients will likely chose your services instead of other Sourcing Agents.
Helping you earn more business, and we pay you a commission on top of that!
We work with multiple reputable Supply Chain lenders to help your Supplier offer no risk Credit Terms to you and your Clients. We shoulder all the risk, and you look Amazing to your Clients!
Earn Money!
When you ask Suppliers for quotes, tell them they have a much better chance of winning the job if they offer Credit Terms.
Then show them this link that helps them offer credit terms with no-risk and no-wait:
If that Supplier ends up doing business with us for any of their customers, even if it has nothing to do with your buyer, you get a commission.
It’s that easy!